READ: Ephesians 4 (Focus vs. 22-29)

“Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” Ephesians 4:25

A man was adept at beating his personal traffic tickets by lying. When he appeared before various judges in court, he would tell the same tale: “I broke up with my girlfriend and she took my car without my knowledge.”

In addition, he had been repeatedly reprimanded for misconduct while on the job. Prosecutors finally charged him with four counts of perjury and five counts of forgery for allegedly lying to judges under oath and providing fictitious police reports.

For this man, lying had become a lifelong habit.

In contrast, the apostle Paul said that telling the truth is a vital habit for believers in Jesus to live out. He reminded the Ephesians that they’d put away their old way of living through surrendering their lives to Christ (Ephesians 2:1-5).

Now, they needed to live like the new people they’d become, incorporating specific actions into their lives. One such action was something to cease—“put off falsehood”—and the other action something to practice—“speak truthfully to your neighbor” (4:25).

Because it protected the unity of the church, the Ephesians were to always have their words and actions be about “building others up” (v. 29).

As the Holy Spirit helps us (vv. 3-4), believers in Jesus can strive for truth in their words and actions. Then the church will be unified, and God will be honored. By: Marvin Williams

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote from prison (6:20) to a community of primarily gentile believers in Jesus (3:1; 4:17). He described a great “mystery” being unveiled (3:3)—that through Christ, Jews and gentiles were being united into one multiethnic family, or body, of believers (v. 6).

And the apostle urged believers in Jesus to remain rooted in His love (vv. 16-19). This meant they must continue to throw off their old way of life and the lies of pagan culture.

Instead, they were called to put on the “new self,” for God had created them to be “like [Him] in true righteousness and holiness” (4:24). “You were once darkness,” Paul emphasized, “but now you are light in the Lord.

Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)” (5:8-9). By: Monica La Rose

What will help you consistently tell the truth? How do your words reflect new life in Christ?

PR’s RE-EMPHASIS (From Post)
“…telling the truth is a vital habit for believers in Jesus to live out.”

Better to tell the truth than to be made to cough it up. pr

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”

“Dear God, please help me to put away falsehood and clothe myself in Your truth.”

“TO TELL THE TRUTH” Bob Kauflin/Stephen Altrogge

To tell the truth is what I want to do
Because You love the lips that speak the truth
To tell a lie leads me away from You
So help me, God, to tell the truth

Your Words will last forever
They never change or fade
You never break a promise
We can trust all You say
But when my words aren’t truthful
I’m doing something wrong
They’ll only last a moment
Suddenly they’ll be gone

A little lie seems harmless
Like ordinary words
But lies we tell to others
Are like a sword that hurts
When someone tries to tell me
That covering up’s okay
Don’t let me be dishonest
Help me to humbly say (THE TRUTH)