OCTOBER 1, 2024
READ: Ephesians6 (Focus vs. 10-18)
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand.” Ephesians 6:11
My wife and I put hundreds of miles on our bikes each year, pedaling the trails around West Michigan. To enhance the experience, we have some accessories that we’ve attached to our bikes. Sue has a front light, a back light, an odometer, and a bike lock.
My bike has a water-bottle holder. In reality, we could ride our route successfully every day and rack up all those miles without the extras. They’re helpful but optional.
In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul writes about another set of accessories—but these aren’t optional. He said we must “put on” these things to be successful in living out our faith in Jesus. Our lives aren’t easy rides.
We’re in a battle in which we must “stand against the devil’s schemes” (6:11), so we must be well equipped.
Without the wisdom of Scripture, we can be swayed to accept error. Without Jesus helping us live out His “truth,” we’ll give in to lies (v. 14). Without the “gospel,” we’ll have no “peace” (v. 15). Without “faith” shielding us, we’ll succumb to doubt (v. 16).
Our “salvation” and the Holy Spirit anchor us to live well for God (v. 17). This is our armor.
How vital that we travel the pathways of life protected from its real dangers. We do that when Christ equips us for the challenges along the way—when we “put on” the armor God provides.
By: Dave Branon
In Ephesians 4-6, Paul exhorts believers in Jesus “to live a life worthy of [God’s calling]” (4:1) and not to live like unbelievers (v. 17) whose lives are characterized by “fruitless deeds of darkness” (5:11).
Believers are to live a life filled with love as “children of light” (v. 8) because “the days are evil” (v. 16). Concluding his letter, Paul warns his readers of a dangerous, powerful enemy who seeks to destroy them.
In combating Satan and his evil forces, believers can stand firm and be victorious if they remain “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (6:10). They will be strengthened by God when they “put on the full armor of God” (vv. 11, 13).
Most of this armor is defensive, except for “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (v. 17). Christ used the Scriptures to defeat the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).
By: K. T. Sim
What does it mean for you to “put on” God’s armor? What situations are you facing that require His armor the most?
PR’s RE-EMPHASIS (From Post)
Our lives aren’t easy rides. We’re in a battle in which we must “stand against the devil’s schemes… How vital that we travel the pathways of life protected from its real dangers. We do that when Christ equips us for the challenges along the way…”
“Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
“In Heaven we shall appear, not in armor, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work and sleep in them, or else we are not soldiers of Christ.” William Gurnall
“We must not confide in the armor of God but in the God of this armor, because all our weapons are only mighty through God.” 2corinthians 10:4 – William Gurnall
“Dear Father, thank You for reminding me in Scripture how I can stand against Satan’s attacks.”
Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
And fight the good fight of faith;
For Jesus is Captain, and you doth He call
To stand in His name till death.
Put on the armor of God,
Fight ye the good fight of faith;
Go forth for Jesus your Lord,
And stand in His name till death.
Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
For powers of hell oppose,
And deadly and dark at each unguarded step,
Are lying in wait your foes.
Put on the armor of God…
Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
And taking His Word in hand,
Be instant and earnest in watching and prayer,
And, having done all, to stand.
Put on the whole armor, the armor of God…
Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
And hardness thro’ all endure;
Look up to the prize of your calling so high,
The triumph at last so sure.
Put on the armor of God,
Fight ye the good fight of faith;
Go forth for Jesus your Lord,
And stand in His name till death.